Our success is the development of the company

About us

Labor is the first private search and selection agency in Northeastern Italy, built on the territory of South Tyrol. The company was founded in 1999 and is costrutia by partners with in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in various sectors of the labor market, a prerequisite of guarantees for a qualified performance of the mediation activity between labor supply and demand.

Recognition for nurses

Completed paperwork and obtained professional title recognition from the Italian Ministry of Health for more than 1,000 nurses

Experts in selection

We selected more than 2000 nurses.

Training for nurses

Coordinated Italian language training and assisted for the IPASVI exam for more than 1,000 inffermieri

Our team is ready to help you

We propose, with targeted service, the optimal solution for achieving the goals

We analyze and define the roles

We analyze and define the roles


Experience is the key to improving a service

Potentiality of people

A person’s potential is unique and it is important to develop it


Skill development are the key to success


A good attitude will improve business productivity


We prevent possible organizational behavior problems


We train employees for business success

We propose the optimal solution for achieving the objectives


(+39) 0471-366814


Via Orazio, 35, 39100 Bolzano BZ



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